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Where There's Smoke
An Account of My Attempt to Quit Smoking
Patches...I'm Depending on You Son!!
Published on October 4, 2004 By
Well I've made it one week! That's right, one whole week without a cigarette. It's kind of remarkable, and again I would like to give full credit where it is due, to the patches. Sure I've been doing other things. For instance, I have this little card in my wallet that's stuck in there in front of my drivers license that has all these reasons that I want to quit smoking written on it. That was Val's idea, because even though I'm 23 years old, I still look a lot younger and always get carded when I buy cigarettes. She thought that with that in there then I wouldn't be able to show my ID without being reminded of all the reasons I wanted to and needed to quit. A GREAT IDEA, NO DOUBT!! But, the patches have thus far kept me from even attempting to buy any cigarettes, which brings a whole new fear to the table. I'm depending on these things so much, that I'm getting terribly worried about dropping to the second step and getting less nicotine from them, and even more terrified of going off of these things altogether. I'm really depending on these things! Thus the title of this article. I feel like I'm the guy who died in that old song "Patches".
I suppose I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it, and stop being so pessimistic and just be pleased with the fact that I've gone this long without smoking! Who cares if I'm still just as hooked on nicotine! I'm at least getting past the habit of smoking and that's awesome! Anyway, once again this isn't much of a post, but I might write again later!
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