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Where There's Smoke
An Account of My Attempt to Quit Smoking
And On the 8th Day...
Published on November 21, 2004 By
Home & Family
Well, once again, for anyone who actually might be keeping up with things, I have been neglecting this this Blog severely, BUT again I've had good reasons. As I said in my last post, the IT ninjas at work cut off my access, and well it's just hard for me to plop my butt down in front of the computer at home. 40 hours a week is A LOT!
There's also been a lot going on on the homefront to keep me from blogging. At the forefront of these things was the BIRTH OF MY SON!!
That's right...Alexander Scott Hendrix was born on Saturday, November 13th, 2004 at 10:20 AM, after putting poor Val through 28 hours of labor! He weighed 8 pounds, was 19 1/2 inches long, had a headful of strawberry blonde hair, and was 150% healthy, and well...ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!! And now, 8 days later...none of that has changed. Sure, Val and I have had some sleepless nights, but really that was more from us being nervous than from him being a problem, and yeah my life doesn't seem like my life really any more, and I'm afraid that that will never change, but am hoping that I will one day become comfortable with this new one that has been handed to me. And to be honest, I could spend a lifetime explaining the emotions, thoughts, and feelings that Val and I have experienced in the last 8 days, and I plan to explain some of these things here in this blog. But I'm not getting into it all right now.
Nope, this article is simply to say that this Blog has officially lost all purpose. Because I'm officially FINISHED smoking. I say that because if I can make it through 28 hours of labor without a cigarette, then there's no chance that I'll give in to a craving in traffic one day. I also have been off the patches for about 6 days now. I was up at the hospital on Sunday and I ran out of patches and didn't feel like going to buy any, so I just decided it was time to give them up too. I was on Step Two but still had about 6 weeks to go before I would be completely finished, but the timing was good. So anyway, I'm no longer a smoker, so this blog no longer serves the purpose of documenting my attempt to quit smoking. BUT I do plan to keep updating it, maybe not DAILY, but close to it, with different thoughts, and things about Xander, and well...anything else that I deem interesting enough. So anyway...unneeded update complete! Continue on to the GOOD articles of the day.
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And On the 8th Day...
Danny Bassette
on Nov 22, 2004
Congratulatoins on the birth of your son
And good job on quiting smoking
Texas Wahine
on Nov 22, 2004
Congratulations on the birth of your son, and your continued success in quitting smoking.
It all sounds terrific.
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