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Where There's Smoke
An Account of My Attempt to Quit Smoking
Moving Day
Published on October 21, 2004 By
Well I've neglected this thing for a while now, I know. I guess it's been over a week since I posted and no I haven't been locked in my bedroom mourning the loss of Chris Reeve. No, the IT Ninjas at work have seen fit to block my access to JoeUser. I guess, my posting during breaks has some way distracted me from my job. Oh well, at least I got my Yahoo games back! Although I fear that they will be gone again soon too. And anyway as I've said in the past, I just don't get on my computer much at home any more, and for the past week it's seemed that even if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have had time to post. Val and I are moving into a bigger apartment. We started the whole process a couple of weeks ago and last week we paid all of the new deposits and such and signed the new lease and got the keys. We're staying in the same apartment complex, actually we're staying in the same building, so we have access to both apartments until the 1st of November. So today has been earmarked as moving day. Now granted we may only be moving down 3 floors, but we have some heavy furniture and it's still going to be no picnic trying to get down those stairs with some of this stuff so I'm not looking forward to it. But I still have about an hour to sit and relax and drink about 4 more cups of coffee before my merry band of movers arive.
BTW, I still haven't had a cigarette, and Sunday will be one month, so...the ROBOSAPIEN WILL BE HERE SOON!!!
Also in other news, it would seem that they have finally cast someone to fill the big red boots of the man of steel for the new movie. The news kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth after Reeve's death last week, but it's still a welcome announcement. It's ABOUT TIME!! I don't think that WB has made an official announcement or anything but all of the fan sites seem to be pretty convinced that this Brandon Routh fella will be the next Man of Tomorrow, and when was the last time they all agreed on anything really. Now all I know about the guy is that he was on Gilmore Girls, and MTV's Undressed. And I haven't watched any Gilmore Girls since Smallville went to Wednsday night. I used to see the last five minutes every Tuesday waiting on Smallville to come on, and from what I remember of Undressed, NO ONE ON THERE COULD ACT!! So I'm a little nervous, but I trust Brian Singer's judgement. I mean, we were all worried about Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine but Singer knew what he was doing there so I think we'll be alright. The only other big news is that Brian Singer seems to have said that he will be using John Williams' music from the first movies, in the new movie. This is even BIGGER news in my opinion, because this means that I don't have to change my Windows Startup sound.
You can get more information about this at my fave one stop spot on the web for Superman related goodies
The Superman Homepage!
And finally, St. Louis will be playing game 7 against the Astros tonight at Busch Stadium! I have to say that, in my opinion this series should have never made it to Game 7 because as much as I like the Astros as a ball club, St. Louis is a better team, and no that's not just blatant biased showing through there. They really are. They just haven't been playing like it this series. But I'm all for a big dramatic finish and to be honest, I'll be upset of the House of Cards tumbles down, but the Astros have definately earned their shot too.
And now I'm going to suck down one last cup o' joe and then head over to McD's to grab some Sausage and Biscuits for the troops when they arrive shortly. I don't want them moving my stuff on an empty stomach....they might drop something.
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