An Account of My Attempt to Quit Smoking
herozero's Articles In Misc
September 27, 2004 by herozero
Okay granted, this is no big conquest, but I haven't had a cigarette since about midnight last night. It's 4:00PM right now. Sure, that's no where near long enough to consider myself quit. I haven't even broken my previous record yet. BUT, considering that it has been about 16 hours since I last took a drag off of one of those little wonder sticks, AND that I'm still in a decent mood, is fairly miraculous. And I owe it all to my good buddy, the PATCH!! These things are better than Micro...
September 28, 2004 by herozero
Well I did it, I broke my previous record, and am actually on my way toward 36 hours without a cigarette, but it would appear that one of the powers that be in the universe is trying to test my will. It seems that last night, I fell asleep with my glasses on. Nothing unusual really. However, this morning at 7 in the AM, I woke up, gripped with the horror that they were broken. The right arm of my glasses was completely off the frame. Thankfully, it's something that can be fixed easily. ...
September 29, 2004 by herozero
Well I have to be honest, I never intended to EVER do more than one post on here per day, but this one is off topic anyway, so I'm letting myself slide. Basically, I just came through 5 O'clock Rush Hour for the third day in a row without cigarettes and it's high time that I got to vent a little. Seeing as how after Monday, everyone I know decided that they wouldn't answer the phone if I called around that time of day ever again. I mean, it was bad enough when I did smoke. But the great ...
October 21, 2004 by herozero
Well I've neglected this thing for a while now, I know. I guess it's been over a week since I posted and no I haven't been locked in my bedroom mourning the loss of Chris Reeve. No, the IT Ninjas at work have seen fit to block my access to JoeUser. I guess, my posting during breaks has some way distracted me from my job. Oh well, at least I got my Yahoo games back! Although I fear that they will be gone again soon too. And anyway as I've said in the past, I just don't get on my compute...
October 12, 2004 by herozero
As far as enterntainment goes, Sunday was both a high and a low for me. On the positive side of things, the St. Louis Cardinals won their Division Series against LA in the fourth game, and are now going on to the NLCS against Houston which will begin Wednsday. But then on the negative side of things, I along with the rest of the world, had to say goodbye to a true Man of Steel. Now I've already told everyone how much I LOVE The Cards, but until now I have not mentioned my second pop cultur...
October 4, 2004 by herozero
Well I've made it one week! That's right, one whole week without a cigarette. It's kind of remarkable, and again I would like to give full credit where it is due, to the patches. Sure I've been doing other things. For instance, I have this little card in my wallet that's stuck in there in front of my drivers license that has all these reasons that I want to quit smoking written on it. That was Val's idea, because even though I'm 23 years old, I still look a lot younger and always get card...
October 2, 2004 by herozero
Well I've kind of neglected this blog the past couple of days, so let me bring everyone up to speed. I still haven't had a cigarette, thanks to my daily diet of suckers, peppermints, and of course...NICOTINE PATCH!! I'm on day 6 now, almost a week....UNBELIEVABLE!! Anyway, I've been off work the past couple of days, and that's mainly why I haven't posted much. I'm on a computer for 40 hours a week at work, so I don't get on mine at home anymore. I did however plan to post though, it wa...
September 26, 2004 by herozero
This is what I'm referring to as an online account of my attempt to quit smoking. I use the word attempt because unfortunately it's not my first try at all this. And if I've learned anything from previous attempts it's that you never want to say you QUIT, until you actually do. So what makes this time around so special that it should be documented? Well nothing at the moment, aside from the fact that in my mind, I'm more ready to quit now than ever, and I've actually purchased something t...